YouTube Video: Islamic Poem | Allah is the Creator

Allah is the Creator of all things.
Allah is the Creator of the plants and animals.
Allah is the Creator of the stars and the sun, the earth and the moon.
Allah is the Creator of the oceans and mountains.
Allah is the Creator of the angels and the unseen worlds.
Allah is the Creator of you and I.
Allah is the Creator of all things.

Read and animated by M.Ibrahim (8 y.o), Edited by Rahmah

Guest Post: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Ka’aba

kaabaThe Ka’aba is the symbolic House of Allah. It is in the centre of Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah. Every Muslim on the planet faces the Ka’aba when performing salah. Isn’t that amazing?

Would you like to know some more amazing things about the Ka’aba?

Here are ten things about the Ka’aba that you probably didn’t know.

1. The Ka’aba is the only building on earth to have had three Prophets build it
Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail built the Ka’aba when Allah commanded them to build a house of worship. Many centuries later when the Ka’aba was being Continue reading