Bahasa Version: My Arabic Alphabet Workbook – Journey from Alif to Yaa | Book 1 Standalone Letters


This is the Bilingual version (English-Bahasa) of My Arabic Alphabet Workbook – Journey from Alif to Yaa.

Available on Amazon UK, Amazon US, Book Depository (Free Delivery Worldwide), Barnes&Noble-US, fishpond-AU, Opentrolley-SG, Opentrolley-MY, Aladin-KR, Books-TW. In shaa Allaah.

Belajar huruf Hijaiyah dengan cara menebalkan, mewarnai, menulis dan memasangkan huruf-huruf. Disertai dengan ilustrasi berwarna yang menarik. Setiap huruf terdapat contoh kata dengan kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris, Arab dan Bahasa.
Bonus: Lembar kerja Angka Arab.

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Letters and Sounds (1C): Phase Two Set 1 – Building Words

This is the third part of the Phase 2 set 1 of the letters and sounds phonics learning resources. Click these links to download Part 1 or Part 2.

The Set 1 letters can be used to make seven words: at, a, sat, pat, sap, tap, as.

– Oral Blending: say each sound in a word slowly and then say the sounds quickly to read the word.

– Building Words: cut and paste the letters to make the words, trace the words.


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