About RMH

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb,

This website is dedicated for Muslim parents especially Mothers who homeschool their children or considering to homeschool their children. I made this website to share ideas, encourage and motivate Muslim parents to homeschool or continue homeschooling their children. These resources represent personal work that I have made and downloaded for my childrens’ study.

Please feel free to download these activity sheets and copy as many as you need for you and your family.

Homeschooling is legal in the UK, it is parents who are responsible for providing their children’s education ‘in school or otherwise’, suitable for the age, ability and aptitude of each child.

Homeschoolers in the UK do not have to be trained teachers, nor do they need any special qualifications to educate their child/children at home. Some homeschooling families choose to use a structured ‘homeschool’ curriculum; some pick and choose school-type text books from bookshops; some use the Internet and libraries to find suitable educational resources; some follow the children’s interests and do little or no teaching as such.

In other words, there are no rules for how families go about their home educating in the UK. It’s up to each family to ensure that their children receive appropriate education, which will vary from child to child.

So, Education is compulsory, but school is not, children are not required to attend school. They could be educated at home.

This is our duty to educate our children according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.

4 thoughts on “About RMH

  1. Assalamualaikum, salam kenal ibu Rahmah. Senang sekali bisa menemukan blog yang isinya sungguh bagus dan bermanfaat.Saya menemukan blog ini saat saya ingin mengajari anak saya tentang nama2 malaikat dan tugas-tugasnya dalam bahasa Inggris, karena anak saya lebih mudah memahami materi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk saat ini. Kebingungan mencari materi, Alhamdulillah menemukan postingan yang sesuai di sini. Semoga Allah merahmati Ibu Rahmah sekeluarga, amin.

    • Wa’alaikumsalam mba Devy, Terima kasih atas doanya. Semoga Allah memberi kemudahan kepada mba Devy dan keluarga di sini Aamiin.

  2. assalamu’alaykum mbk rahma. Perkenalkan saya Lisa dari Malang, Jawa Timur Indonesia. Saya ibu dari 6 orang anak, dan sedang mendampingi mereka belajar di rumah dalam artian homeschooling. Alhamdulillah senang bisa menemukan blog tentang homeschooling ini, dan senang bisa berkenalan dengan praktisi HS. Di sini saya mau minta ijin untuk mengambil ilmu dari Anda melalui blog ini sebagai tambahan referensi dalam pelaksanaan HS kami.

    • Wa’alaikumsalam mba Lisa, Alhamdulillah senang bisa berkenalan :). Monggo, silahkan diunduh. Semoga sukses dengan homeschoolingnya ya. Wassalamu’alaikum

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