Adam and Eve (Islamic Poem)

Allah sunsetAuthor: Anonymous

This is the story of Adam and Eve.
For all of you people, read and believe.

At first the whole world contained just the jinn.
Then they began indulging in sin.

The angels were sent to drive them away.
Then Adam (a.s) was created from a type of clay.
From his left rib came Eve(r.a), his beautiful wife.
They lived in paradise, enjoying their life. Continue reading

Girls Prayer Outfit from £12

20160924_085508Two Piece Girls Children Prayer Clothes Praying Outfit Dress.

Quick and easy to wear, you could get ready for prayer/salah/namaz in a really short time.

It’s a good way to encourage children to start praying.

It provides excellent coverage of the entire body/awrah including the feet. Continue reading