Maths is Fun; the 12 Times Tables Posters and the Multiplication Square Posters

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb,

Please feel free to download the 12 Times Tables Posters and the Multiplication Square Posters (in pdf format). You can hang these posters on the wall (for best results, laminate it before you hang it on the wall).

The Times Tables 1 to 12 Posters, these posters help children to learn the times tables Continue reading

Science; The Life Cycle of a Butterfly from Islamic View

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb,

My children love this topic so much, it is a fun way to teach them about one of Allah’s creation.

1. A butterfly lays an eggs on a leaf and after a little while a larva caterpillar appears out of the egg.

2. The caterpillar needs lots of food to grow. It eats the green leaves on the plant. It eats and eats until Continue reading