Islamic Study: Types of Rulings in Islam

Islam is a complete way of life, which teaches us what we should and should not do. There are five rulings to help us to know what actions we have to do and we must stay away.

1. Fard means something that is obligatory. The one who does it is deserving of reward, the one who fails to do it is deserving of punishment. For example, pray five times a day and fasting in the month of Ramadan.

2. Mustahab is something that prophet Muhammad said, did or encouraged. It is recommended for Muslims. If we do them we are rewarded, if we do not we are not punished. For example, pray two rakaah before Fajr prayer and fasting three days of every month.

3. Mubah means something that is permitted to do. This act does not bring reward or punishment. For example, eating, drinking, buying and selling.

4. Makhruh is an act which is disliked by Allah. If we do not do these acts we will be rewarded, but if we do them there is no punishment. It is better to avoid them. For example, giving and taking with left hand, and women following funeral processions.

5. Haram is something that is forbidden. It is obligatory to refrain from doing it. If we avoid these acts we are rewarded if we do not we are punished. For example, drinking alcohol and disobedience to parents.

Download the worksheet here:


The Prophet’s Most Repeated Dua

Shahr bin Hawshab said:

“I said to Umm Salamah: ‘O Mother of the Believers! What was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said most frequently when he was with you?” She said: ‘The supplication he said most frequently was: “O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion (Yā Muqallibal-qulūb, thabbit qalbī `alā dīnik).’”

She said: ‘So I said: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you supplicate so frequently: ‘O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.’ He said: ‘O Umm Salamah! Verily, there is no human being except that his heart is between Two Fingers of the Fingers of Allah, so whomsoever He wills He makes steadfast, and whomever He wills He causes to deviate.’”

– Authentic Hadith in Sunan At-Tirmidhi #3522-

Free Printable: What is the difference between Nabi and Rasul?


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FREE Version: The Ayatul Kursi Poster and Flashcards

This is the lite version of the Ayatul Kursi Memorisation Learning Pack. You can purchase the full version on my TpT store.

Memorise the Ayatul Kursi as well as the meaning in English. This pack contains:

1. Poster
2. Flashcards (in two sizes *optional)
3. Bonus: part 1 of the Ayatul Kursi tracing worksheet in Arabic and in English.


Memorisation Tips:

– Try to memorise early in the morning or find a quiet place that’s free from distractions.
– Read the meaning in English carefully before memorising the ayah. Continue reading

Free Printable Dua Cards in English or Bahasa

6x Dua Cards in English or Bahasa, each print includes: what the dua is for, the dua in Arabic including the transliteration and the meaning in English or Bahasa.

1. Dua Before Sleeping (Sebelum Tidur)
2. Dua When Waking Up (Ketika Bangun Tidur)
3. Dua Before Entering Toilet (Sebelum Masuk Toilet)
4. Dua After Leaving the Toilet (Keluar dari Toilet)
5. Dua Before Eating and Forget to Say Bismillah (Sebelum Makan)
6. Dua After Eating (Setelah Makan)

English Version


Bahasa Version


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Free Islamic Word Searches: 25 Prophet Names

25 Prophet names word searches – Easy & Hard Levels.


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• You may print or download this file for your personal use only.
• Please do not modify the file.
• Not to be sold, distributed, reproduced or transferred in any form.
• For permission requests please contact Rahmah Muslim Homeschool.
• If you would like to share, please link to my blog post not directly to the pdf file.
• No commercial use.

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Free Printable: Learn the First Five Surah Names of the Qur’an Worksheets

Learn the first five Surah names of the Qur’an with the meaning in English worksheets (trace it, match it, translate it, wordsearch it), i.e: Al Fatihah = The Opening, An Nisa = The Women.

Taken from Learn the Surah Names of the Qur’an and the Meaning in English: Memorise the 114 Surah Names and the Meaning in English.

You can download the worksheets here:


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• You may print or download this file for your personal use only.
• Please do not modify the file.
• Not to be sold, distributed, reproduced or transferred in any form.
• For permission requests please contact Rahmah Muslim Homeschool.
• If you would like to share, please link to my blog post not directly to the pdf file.
• No commercial use.

Free Islamic Word Searches – Easy Level

8x Islamic word searches – Easy level.

  • 2x Five Pillars of Islam word searches.
  • Islam word search.
  • Salah word search.
  • Ramadan word search.
  • Hajj word search.
  • Eid Fitr word search.
  • Eid Adha word search.


Terms and Conditions of Use:

• You may print or download this file for your personal use only.
• Please do not modify the file.
• Not to be sold, distributed, reproduced or transferred in any form.
• For permission requests please contact Rahmah Muslim Homeschool.
• If you would like to share, please link to my blog post not directly to the pdf file.
• No commercial use.

Rahmah Books: Learn the 114 Surah Names of the Qur’an and the Meaning in English


Available Online!

Learn the 114 Surah names of the Qur’an as well as the meaning in English.

• Trace the Surah names.
• Match the Surah names in Arabic and in English (i.e: An Nas = The Mankind, An Nisa = The Women).
• Translate the Surah names in English.
• The Surah names wordsearches.
• Revision pages.
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