You Tube Video: A Child’s Prayer ᴴᴰ

A Child’s Prayer

I sometimes lie awake at night,
And wonder at the stars so bright,
I dream about my future too,
And all the things that I will do.

Soon the Ummah will count on me,
I’m the future, they all agree,
And people depend on me somehow,
Though small and timid I am now.

So you and I, my dearest friend,
Must stand together till the end,
For we are one by Allah’s Grace,
No matter what our language or race.

We must prepare ourselves today,
While we journey on life’s way,
So education, we must crave,
From the cradle to the grave.

So those entrusted with our care,
Train us please and do your share,
We’ll make you proud of us somehow,
So waste no time and teach us now.

We need your love and tender care,
And your sincere and ardent prayer,
So much there is to learn and see,
For true believers we must be.

“O Allah, we do love You so,
Give us health and make us grow,
Be with us each passing day,
While we journey on life’s way.”

Islamic Studies: Islamic Activity Book Volume 1 by Musalla As-Salaam


islamic activity book vol 1Activity Key:
1. Reading and Remembering
2. Group Exercise
3. Brain Storming
4. Colouring and Writing

Learning objectives:
1. A: Allah
The Oneness of Allah (Tawheed), recognize some of the attributes of Allah.
2. B: Brother
How to interact with other people according to Islam.
3. C: Creation
Allah is the Creator of everything that exists.
4. D: Dua
The importance, benefits and power of dua.
5. E: Educate Continue reading

Review: Understand Qur’an Academy | Ramadan Offers 50%


Alhamdulillah, I’m happy to have had the opportunity to try out this amazing program from the Understand the Qur’an Academy (UQA) for 30 days. MashaAllah, the teacher is really knowledgeable! May Allah reward him and his team for all the efforts for helping us to understand the book of Allah.

When learning to read from the Qur’an, the first thing that needs to be learnt is the tajweed. This is the way in which the prophet used to recite and therefore we should follow in his footsteps. Once we learn how to read the Qur’an, it also helps to understand the words and their meanings. This is what the course by the UQA entails, a person gains the ability to understand the meaning of every single word!

My experience with UQA has been great! I’ve been looking for an effective way to know the meaning of the Qur’an without  having to learn the Arabic language first. Continue reading

Adam and Eve (Islamic Poem)

Allah sunsetAuthor: Anonymous

This is the story of Adam and Eve.
For all of you people, read and believe.

At first the whole world contained just the jinn.
Then they began indulging in sin.

The angels were sent to drive them away.
Then Adam (a.s) was created from a type of clay.
From his left rib came Eve(r.a), his beautiful wife.
They lived in paradise, enjoying their life. Continue reading

Girls Prayer Outfit from £12

20160924_085508Two Piece Girls Children Prayer Clothes Praying Outfit Dress.

Quick and easy to wear, you could get ready for prayer/salah/namaz in a really short time.

It’s a good way to encourage children to start praying.

It provides excellent coverage of the entire body/awrah including the feet. Continue reading

Guest Post: The Miracle, the Qur’an (Islamic Poem)

al-quran-1Author: Anonymous

So brothers and sisters, to increase your Iman.
Read the miracle, read the Qur’an.

The word Qur’an means ‘to recite’.
It will give you guidance, it’s a source of light.

Read the book from the Lord of the worlds.
Over 6,000 verses and Continue reading