Guest Post: The Muslim Homeschool Guide Book

310785_213567478699983_5366515_nTitle: The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling

Author: Sister Jamila Alqarnain

This handbook is a valuable tool full of advice from Muslim families who successfully homeschool their children. The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling not only motivates and encourages, but also describes in ‘real life’ experience how to teach your own. We all want our kids to become lifelong enthusiastic learning Mu’min. The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling can help you teach your children to develop the attitudes to do just that. In essence, your attitudes, outlook and guidance based on Islamic educational tradition that is best done everyday at home. This book will help show you how its done. In sha Allah!

The Muslim homeschool guide will teach you: Continue reading

Guest Post: The Significance of Interaction between Homeschoolers and Students at School Level

Guest PostGuest post from Flora G Aleana.

The Significance of Interaction between Homeschoolers and Students at School Level

School education is a solid foundation of every student’s academic life. It is the perfect base on which a student’s academic growth and success is built. The ambience of the school plays a very important role in shaping students’ life. The teachers at school play the role of guardians, teachers and even friends for young children. It is said that a teacher should be like a friend, philosopher and Continue reading